State of the Cities – Part III
Enoch, Utah
It’s hard to believe Enoch City now has a population over 7,000. Mayor Chestnut gave an overview of the health of the City, including growing pains being experienced. From 2018 to 2020 Culinary water hookups have gone from 2199 to 2443, a 24% increase.
In the Chamber 2050 survey, the two most important issues facing the area are:
• Managing and planning for future water needs
• Developing a long-term plan for growth
Enoch City now owns several water rights but does not have a sufficient number of wells to use those rights. In addition, several large water users are watering lawns with Culinary water instead of irrigation. Plans are in the works to switch several large water users to an irrigation system.
Building For Growth
There are currently 48 active building permits with 113 residential lots in various stages of construction. From single-family housing to a new multi-family project, 98% of Enoch is single-family housing.
Building for growth includes Business.
A survey of Enoch residents a few years back brought out the need for a grocery store. The closest was downtown Cedar, 7 miles into town.
Thus, Foster’s Market was built in 2019. It may have been conceived as a convenience store with Chevron gasoline, it is now an Affiliated Food store with produce, bakery, and deli.
Enoch changed its Home-Based Business policy a few years back. That has resulted in the registration of 180 home based businesses without fees.
With the creation of an Economic Development Committee, that includes citizens and specialists, the City offers benefits from their Enterprise Zone, the Rural Fast Track Program and participate in GOED Recycling zones.
The Mayor talked about how proud they are of their partnerships with several community groups. The Dog Park was created through a partnership with Festival County K-9. A non-profit group that has built a Dog Park on City-owned land. They continue to develop new segments through volunteer labor and funding.

The newest partnership with Daughters of the American Revolution (DAV) resulted in participation in the Wreaths Across America program. Again, volunteer labor and funding provide a wreath on graves of Veterans at Christmas.
The oldest partnership is with Enoch citizens who support Youth Soccer. Youth Soccer was in it’s second season in 2020, before they had to shut down. T-Ball and Coach Pitch had 80 participants in 2020 and they anticipate more for 2021.
Enoch citizens will celebrate 55 years as a town. Growth management and water conservation will be important to sustain the unique small-town atmosphere of Enoch. Watch for Mayor Chestnut to run for office again.
Until Next Week - - -