May 13


Rockhounding Journals? Yes, Because Journal Writing Matters!

By Jana Hassett

May 13, 2020


 Rock hounding Journals are done differently.  

Why? Because they are a combination of rock hounding and travel journaling. The rockhounding journal is written about the rocks.  Where they were found, what they are, if you know, and what you'll do with them, and what time of the year you were out.  That's the other joy of writing a Rock Hounding Journal, keeping track of where you went and  when.  But that focus of writing then becomes a travel journal.

Travel journals are written from the aspect of where, when, the planning and the result. When we go rock hounding we travel a distance from home.  If we go up the hill above Summit it's only 5-10 miles and requires little pre-planning or take-alongs. We always have water and rock digging equipment in the truck.  But what else does it take? Depends on the trip.  Watch for my post the first part of June.  We''re traveling to Tonopah, Nevada to dig for Turquoise and that's a trip that takes planning.

I'll start with recording the dates, times, locations, tentative plans, hotel reservations, various bits and pieces of information about the trip.  I'll start the journal and proceed during the trip.  

Why?  Because "Journal Writing Matters".

The following is an excerpt from a blog post I did in April of 2015.  We had closed our gallery in Escalante and hadn't moved to Enoch yet.  You can read my blogging from 2012 to 2017 at Utah Gemstone Jewelers.

Why Rock Hound?

Because it’s peaceful. Especially in early spring and late fall.

As I was walking along the wash I could hear the watchman for the flock of Pine Jays. Watching for a few pines full of nuts, a campsite left unattended or to figure out where everyone else went. They roam hundreds of miles in this Juniper/Pine forest of the desert.


The last snow still clings to the hillsides 9000 feet and higher. Its slow melt will assure humanity of summer drinking water. It always amazes me that the state with the least amount of water still promotes lawns.

The trees look fresh and green after heavy spring rains. And the agate chips have been washed free for tumbling or cabbing. The afternoon winds are starting to stir and the rustle of the trees is a song of nature. The feather-like clouds tell the whole story.

Journal Writing Matters

Some of the Juniper are covered in Blue Berries. The packrats will devour them and spit out the seeds. Left to dry and drilled they make lovely “cedar berry beads” for jewelry and other adornments, if you can get them from the packrats.

Why rock hound?   Because we can.

Back then I didn't keep a rock hounding journal, I just kept a travel journal.  What ever type of journal you keep, be sure you include dates, places, times, how you felt, what you accomplished or found, and who else was with you.  Those bits of information will help you recreate the scene and help future generations know your story.

"Journal Writing Matters"

Jana Hassett

About the author

Retired Congressional Aide, Coach, Mentor and Grant Writer, Jana advocates for everyone having an elevator speech. She currently serves as Business Coach for the Ms. Biz program at the Women's Business Center of Utah, Cedar City. She's been writing blogs since 2006 and enjoys journaling.
"Passing It On" is her WHY, in honor of all those that mentored and guided her journery over the years.

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