Finding A Topic
For those who write daily, or weekly, sometimes it is very difficult to find a topic or person to write about.
On our way to Henderson, Nev. we almost always experience a connection with something out of the ordinary. Most times it’s the wildlife, or something new in the small towns along the way. The last time we stopped at Sugars in Overton, Nv on our way home, we discovered the restaurant had been sold, was in escrow and no one quite new what would happen with it. We found out, it’s been changed to a walk-up or curbside table eatery (at least at this point). A name that is not particularly memorable (two initials and Pizza in the title) and little ambiance.
The time before we quietly passed a herd of big Horn Sheep. And we’ve seen the wild horses and burros’ numerous times. This trip it was different.
As we came down through the gorge from Utah, an Arizona Highway Patrolman came screaming past everyone, full speed, and loudest siren. Shortly after, we noticed there was NO northbound traffic. We knew something terrible had happened. It takes something major to shut down an interstate highway.
Today’s topic was “Pay Attention”. Notice the few cars that were on the highway who probably gained access after the event. Notice the speed of south bound traffic slowed in anticipation of what they would discover somewhere down the road. After exiting the gorge, we traveled another 6-8 miles and there were the lights.
Gumball lights from 4 large fire trucks that lined up to block the highway. 2 Ambulances waiting for anyone else they needed to help. Several Police/Patrol cars, and at least one tow truck. What we couldn’t see was at least 5 miles of stopped traffic.

We carefully moved on towards the turn-off to Overton and a less hectic drive around Lake Meade. Suddenly, the topic had changed, just like the lives of those involved in the crash. For the 1st responders, those in the wrecked vehicles, and the hundreds of travelers stopped on I-15 Northbound. There were no turnarounds to get over to southbound lanes without driving through the ravine. They had passed all the truck turnouts and rest areas. There was nothing to do but walk around on the highway and talk to other drivers or sit in your vehicle. Hundreds and hundreds of lives altered while they waited 4 hours to resume their travel.
How many lived in Mesquite and were just traveling home? How many had appointments to make? How many truckers would miss their delivery deadlines? The disruption caused change. Change could be the topic. Paying attention could be the topic. Watching the car in front of you (whom the semi-truck driver rear-ended which caused the incident) could be the topic.
Topics are everywhere. Choosing the one that fits your business, your life, your goals, should become your focus. Maybe that should be the topic – focus.
As we were leaving Overton, I spotted something shiny in the roadway. It was a Thermos Cup/Cap. It started a discussion about the cup, how it got there, who might have lost it, where has it been since being manufactured? That became the focus and the topic.
Maybe that’s a topic for another post. How can your business solve the problem of a lost thermos cup?
Until next time - - -