December 17


Women In Business

By Jana Hassett

December 17, 2019

Women In Business

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Women In Business

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The local Women In Business (WIB) group, originally through the Cedar City Chamber of Commerce, was disbanded in 2018. It continued as a committee through 2019 in order to coordinate the annual Pumpkin Festival for the Chamber. When the Women’s Business Center(WBC) opened in 2018 a number of the WIB efforts were, thankfully, taken over by the WBC. The Elevator Speech Ecourse is an outcome of those efforts. Sign up today and get notice of events, classes and how to get help with your business.

Jana Hassett

About the author

Retired Congressional Aide, Coach, Mentor and Grant Writer, Jana advocates for everyone having an elevator speech. She currently serves as Business Coach for the Ms. Biz program at the Women's Business Center of Utah, Cedar City. She's been writing blogs since 2006 and enjoys journaling.
"Passing It On" is her WHY, in honor of all those that mentored and guided her journery over the years.

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