August 9


National Women’s Day

By Jana Hassett

August 9, 2020

Hardcover, Journal, Pass It On

 National Women’s Day –

Women Owned Businesses

Women across our country stand strong – even with Pandemics, Weather events and the Plague (yes, in New Mexico).  And many of you on my email list are part of the 4.5 million women owned businesses in the United States.  That’s just over 50% of all firms and 40% of privately held firms.  And one in five firms with revenue of $1 million or more are women owned.

New Businesses

With new businesses being started every day, it I important for women to mentor thir fellow business owners, even if you aare in a different segment of the economy.  Shaaring resources, making referrals and keeping in touch is good for both sides of the mentoring relationship.


I’ve had a number of mentors, at almost every phase of my life.  I’ve had the opportunity to remember them this past week.  I’m completing my Grandma’s Journal for my one Grand Daughter.  Wriing my life’s moments and putting all the pictures given to me from family members in a partner album, to match the story of all the happy times, has been a walk down memory lane.

Not all those memories are perfect and many are filled with challenges.  But a great number remind me of My What, How and Why.  Do you know yours?

My Why –

My Why is now about sharing – “Passing It On”. 

My How –

How will this help my audience? By sharing what I have learned through my life experiences.  By writing weekly blog posts about pertinent issues; by teaching Women and Children Journal Writing; and by providing quality Journals to purchase for as wide a range of subjects I can.

My What –

What am I offering?

  • Journals – both digital and printed; to purchase and free
  • Writing Services and moral support for your writing experiences.
  • Honest, constructive feedback on your ideas, business plans, marketing concepts
  • Content and Social Media Strategies written together
  • Journals and writing prompts for children

Women In Business

One out of every 11 American Women own a business.  And over the next decade, women in the United States will control two thirds of all consumer wealth in the U.S.A.

We must begin to set the agenda for clothing, food and housing for all segments of the economy. And we must do so by helping Women In Business succeed.

A you answer the question – What is your why – consider the How and The What that support and make your Why possible.  Think about how you can mentor someone, how you can “Pass It On”.

               “People don’t buy what you do –
                              They buy why you do it”.                Simon Sinek

If you’d like - 

  • honest, constructive feed back
  • help writing your business plan
  • an opportunity to share your ideas

Sign up for a Complimentary Consulting Session.

It’s my way of honoring those who mentored me, by

“Passing It On”.

Jana Hassett

About the author

Retired Congressional Aide, Coach, Mentor and Grant Writer, Jana advocates for everyone having an elevator speech. She currently serves as Business Coach for the Ms. Biz program at the Women's Business Center of Utah, Cedar City. She's been writing blogs since 2006 and enjoys journaling.
"Passing It On" is her WHY, in honor of all those that mentored and guided her journery over the years.

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